While everyone is entitled to their own opinions, everyone is not entitled to their own set of facts.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


The recent Japanese earthquake and tsunami and the 2004 Indonesian earthquake and tsunami have shocked the world.  Dr. Jeffrey Goodman, an archeologist and geologist who has spent years researching the Bible’s stories of catastrophe, says that tsunamis that dwarf those of Japan and Indonesia are written about in the Bible.  In his new book “THE COMETS OF GOD” Goodman says the Bible tells of a mega-tsunami that occurred in the past and a mega-tsunami that is to occur in the future.
Goodman points out when key phrases in the Bible’s account of “Noah’s Flood” are properly translated; they tell how a comet impact caused a mega- tsunami, which in turn caused the Flood!  Physical evidence comes from the 2006 discovery of the 18-mile wide Burckle impact crater at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.    A 2008 History Channel documentary about the Burckle crater concludes, “The cause of the Biblical Great Flood may have been a massive three-mile wide comet that crashed into the Indian Ocean 4,800 years ago.”  Goodman says an impact this large would have caused an earthquake tens of thousands of times more powerful than the Japanese earthquake with tsunami waves about 1000 times higher.  Towering tsunamis would have gone out in all directions, even north toward the land of Noah and up the Tigris-Euphrates Valley in Iraq, before slamming into the “mountains of Ararat” in Turkey and falling back to flood the land.  Physical evidence for this event comes from unique chevron shaped tsunami deposits that have been found far inland in Africa, Australia and India.  These deposits contain deep water shells mixed with unique materials from the comet’s impact.  One deposit is over 600 feet high, covering an area twice the size of Manhattan.
Astonishingly, Goodman says the Bible prophesies about another impact triggered mega-tsunami.  The Second Trumpet of the Bible’s Book of Revelation (Rev 8:8-9) tells how “a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood (the word “blood” is a metaphor for “death”) and the third part of the creatures in the sea . . . died, and the third part of the ships were destroyed.”  This prophecy describes a comet the size of a mountain hitting the ocean.  Geoscientists calculate an oceanic impact would heat the sea water to over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.  The subsequent fireball of steam and ejecta and tsunamis would affect a large area, killing sea life and destroying countless ships.    
Goodman is not the only scientist to relate descriptions of events from the Bible to cosmic impacts.  A growing number of astronomers and planetary scientists have begun to write about how the catastrophes of “Revelation” accurately describe different types of cosmic impact.

Burckle Crater where a comet impact caused a mega-tsunami which in turn caused the Flood!